In the future, I plan to stay with the save file I start for 1.0, unless there is a significant game-breaking save change that requires me to start over. Because of this, I would start a new campaign over from the beginning when a new patch came out. KSP was in pre-release for a long time, which meant that updates could be significant and game-changing. One of the reasons for its success is its massive mod community, which has taken the stock game and added a tremendous amount of depth in the way of new ship components, graphical overhauls, sounds, functionality (life support, flight model re-write, mining/resource gathering, etc), and other content. (I wrote a preview/review of it a while back) If you’re new to KSP, or completely unfamiliar, it is a simulation game, where you take the role of director for the little green man version of NASA. Please note, Squad overhauled many systems in 1.0, so expect many mods to require significant updates, or changes in functionality.

I will be updating this page with mod descriptions and compatibility as I work my way through the list. Kerbal Space Program version 1.0 is finally released to the public. This will probably require some tweaks by the mod authors, so I’ll start updating the page once those start trickling out. This has some notable changes for physics, not the least of which is heat management.