These problems may require that the operating system be reinstalled. Note Serious problems can occur if the registry is modified incorrectly by using Registry Editor or some other method. Keep in mind that the minimum image change time allowed by Windows 10 is 10 seconds (10,000 milliseconds). If you want to set the time to 30 seconds, change the Interval value to the number 30000.

In other words, for the images to change every minute, you must set a value of 60,000 milliseconds in Decimal value. Right click in the center of the screen while the slideshow is in progress. This value sets the desktop wallpaper timeout in milliseconds. How do I speed up a slideshow in Windows 10. In the right pane you will see a REG_DWORD value called Interval. Choose a simple software for viewing or the best photo album software in accordance with your needs. HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Personalization \ Desktop Slide ShowĤ. Top 10 Windows Photo Viewer Alternatives Windows Photo Viewer alternatives listed below are useful for photographers and designers who are looking for convenient programs for viewing, organizing and editing images. In the Open box type regedit and press Enter. If you want to try it, do the following:Ģ. Right-click on the Start menu 2.It is also possible to reduce the waiting time for the Desktop Background to below 1 minute, or extend it to over 24 hours. Just be aware that you are likely to impact your battery life, although it does not seem like a drastic action. You can, however, override this setting very simply using the OS tools. So if you use Slideshow on your Surface Pro 3 and wonder why it is not changing…well, there you go. Regardless, by default the OS puts the feature on pause until you plug the computer into a dedicated power source. It is not clear just how much energy is wasted in changing the wallpaper especially if it is just once an hour or more. The reason should be obvious: power savings. How to enable when not plugged inīy default, the Slideshow feature does not work when a laptop that is unplugged from AC power. I have to admit, it is rather fun seeing three separate wallpapers cycle on my home PC.

Although if you have a smaller wallpaper you may wish to Tile or Stretch.Īs a neat bonus, if you are running a multi-monitor setup, each monitor runs a separate/different wallpaper from your image dump. Most people opt for Fit under this setting.